Saveti za negu ruža

Saveti za negu ruža

Vreme sadnje, vreme prihrane, orezivanje, skidanje cveta,...

Planting time

The ideal rose planting period is between April and October.

Avoid planting roses during extreme weather conditions such as droughts and floods, as well as when the soil is frozen.

Feeding time

Twice a year

  • End of March or beginning of April
  • Beginning of July or after the first blooming

Pruning time

We recommend pruning roses at the end of winter, and/or at the beginning of spring.

Light pruning during the first year

The first year is considered to be the year after the rose blooming is completed.

Step one: trim all the stems for 7-12 cm.

Step two: remove all the damaged, sick and withered stems.

Step three: remove all dead leaves.

The rose is still growing during the second year

Step one: trim off 1/3 of the stems.

Step two: remove all the damaged, sick and withered stems.

Step three: remove all dead leaves.

Third and all following years

The rose is now fully formed and it may be pruned as you wish.


If you want the rose to be the same size, trim off 1/3 of the stems.

If you want the rose to grow more, trim off less than 1/3 of the stems.

If you want the rose to be smaller, trim off more than ½ of the stems.

Removing the flowers

One of the main reasons to remove the withered flower from the peduncle is to promote re-blooming. With this action, the rose stops producing seeds in the flower and directs its strength to the process of re-blooming.

Planting the tree rose in 7 steps

Step 1 Hydrate the root

The root of a rose seedling should be placed in water and left for at least 30 minutes before planting (ideally for 2-3 hours).

Step 2 Dig a hole 

The hole should be wide enough and deep enough to enable the free spreading of the rose root. The hole should be approximately 40 cm wide and 60 cm deep. Put about one handful of manure at the bottom of the hole.

Step 3 Put a seedling into the hole

Place the rose into the centre of the hole in an upright position. The graft union should be about 5 cm below the top of the hole before it is backfilled with soil.

Step 4 Stake

Position the stake approximately 5-10 cm away from the rose tree and push it into the soil about 20-30 cm below the bottom of the hole. The tip of the stake should ideally be aligned with the point at which the rose seedling crown splits on two sides. 

Step 5 Fill in the hole with soil

Backfill the rose seedling with the soil you dug earlier.

Step 6 Fixing

Using plastic ties or twine, attach the rose stem to the stake.

Step 7 Water your rose well

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